SilverGreen Jul inspirerad makeup med L´Oréal QuadShadow

Hej på ER! Kul att ni tittar in och ni gör helt rätt! för idag bjuder jag på ännu ett smink tips :)
Den här gången kände jag för att göra en makeup look som kan passa bra såhär inför alla jul fester :) Christmas inspired makeup colors och jag har använt mig utav L´Oréals skugga Quad Shadow,den finns att köpa i 4 eller 5 olika färger men den jag har här är den med GRÖNT och Silver.
Väldigt shimmery colors, ME LIKEY!!! och mkt glitter
jag tror att den här skuggan ska ligga på runt 140:- eller lite mindre. Och ni hittar den garanterat på Kicks, och Lindex. or just wherever they have L´Oreal brands ;)
SO, if you like it.. STAY TUUUNED och check out my video Part 1 and 2 =)

Så kan det se ut med ett öga sminkat och klart och den andra utan nått annat än foundation :P
I look so weird haha


THANK YOU so much! lots of LOVE and SMIIIIILE!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful FRIDAY! ;) :) :) :)
LOVE // Marisel
NailArt VIDEO - simple steps to get this purple naildesign
Purple purple purple och glitter! ABSOLUT varför inte.
Det passar ju perfekt såhär till jul och vintertid. Man behöver inte alltid ha svart,silver och grått eller rött och grönt eller hur. nej we gotta SPICE it up a bit but still don´t do it all TROPICAL. Så, jag bestämde mig för att använda mig utav dessa fina färger,
Som ni ser, inga dyra märken alls och det funkar perfectly perfect.
*H&Ms 2010 color LILA Fashionista
*VivaLaDiva metallic rosa
*H&M transparent polish
*Glitter från PanDuro
* tunn nailart pensel
*Makeup sponge från H&M (jag klippte till den lite bara)
*Det är inte alls svårt att göra hörni, och det tar faktiskt inte så lång tid, krävs lite tålamod bara så att det torkar ordentligt annars... NO BIGGIE!!! TRY IT!! och självklart kan ni använda er utav helt andra färger :))))
I would LOVE to see your work.. om ni väljer att göra d här , ta gärna bild och posta till MOI!!! lämna kommentar och följ mig på FACEBOOK :) vi ses där.
THANKS for watching and now GOOOOODLUUUUUUCK ! :) muaaah
don´t forget to SMILE ;)
LilaRosaSparkling nails (video) uppe SOON SOON
Time to VOTE (makeup look)

Okej its time to vote! If you like this makeup I need you to vote on my FACEBOOK :!/pages/Sweden/Marisel-Artistry-Makeup-Nail-Hair-Beauty/121569204534188
or just leave a comment here.The more comments and votes I get the more likely it is that I do a makeup tutorial on this look.

DO WE LIKEY?? =) =) =)
Thank You!
I just gotta say this ...
Jag vill bara säga MUAH MUAH MUAH MUAAAAHHHH till alla fina kommentarer!
det finns inge roligare än att logga in och läsa era fina kommentarer, här,via mail,via facebook,
How to do a BROWN SMOKEY EYE LOOK á la Marisel
Well it´s super easy to do :) and the best of all is that you can use this look during daytime and nighttime(the only thing you need to do is just add a littlebit more of eyeshadow,darker shades and more eyeliner and if you want some false eyelashes for a more dramatic look) Follow the steps to this basic light brown smokey eye. Watch my tutorial and SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel if you want more beauty tips and Im gonna start doing CONTESTS very soon ;) but you HAVE TO be a subscriber or followers somehow,here on my blog, or my other blog ,facebook or youtube.
Marisel Beauty blog:
My Youtube channel: r/MariselArtistry1?feature =mhw4
FACEBOOK :!/pages/Sweden/Marisel-Artistry-Makeup-Nail-Hair-Beauty/121569204534188
Anyways lets get to this makeup look,here´s some names of the products that I used. And I actually used "cheaper brands" this time
(I know its blurry :( but it is what it is,) SORRYYY
Base :
FOUNDATION - IsaDora High performance 05 Mocca
CONCEALER - my own mix
POWDER - translucid loosepowder and bronzing powder
Wet n Wild lip liner pencil RED 2
Mascara&RedLipPencil Review!!(Video)

Hey på Er! Nu har jag fixat min VLOGGIE med review om L´Oreal mascaran DOubleExtension och läpp pennan från Wt n Wild. Jag visar hur produkterna ser ut samt provar på att applicera.

Såhär ser mascaran ut efter ett lager.
Något jag inte pratar om i dessa 2 video är om borttagningen av mascaran. Nu har jag testat den i några dagar och jag kan säga såhär. Något jag gillar med denna mascara är faktiskt the REMOVAL step. Det är precis som det står på förpackningen alltså att det går bort med vatten (warm water) OCH ... det blir liksom inte alls kletigt och inte alls svårt att få bort allt, helt bus enkelt! Det enda är dock att man får en konstig känsla den när man tar bort för att det ser ut som att hela FRANSAR går av.. men its not the eyelashes is only the product ;) and actually den ger en väldigt "waterproof" känsla annars,jag fick en massa regn rakt i ansiktet and nothing came off ;) THATS GREAT!! I think I can actually CRY without having too much black running down my cheeks. Gotta try that haha...
So yes + poäng där.
Allt som allt,som avslut.. hmm.. jaa I like it, den ger en känsla av längre fransar, separerar dom ordentligt ,lätt att ta bort and NO CLUMPS ;) men volume??? hmm Nääää me don´t likey !!! MEN det funkar .
så den får 3/5 av Mig ;)
AAH OH juste.. läpp pennan.. höll i sig väldigt länge faktiskt... WE LIKEY speciellt för det priset ;) 4/5 Marisels.
Jag tackar för mig and now back to do my last video ,editing a Brown smokey eye tutorial so STAAY TUUUNED! and dont forget to LIKE,SUBSCRIBE AND FOLLOW ME. =) thank you so much.

Mascara review "Vloggie" coming up SOON!
check it out Finest blog:
Puss och Kram hela dan, S M I L E !!!
LórealMascara,Wet n´Wild lip pencil & VivaLaDiva nailpolish
The day started with some delicious pancakes with lots of strawberry jam and cream. Mmmm,Oh yess, it was perfect and I got soooo stuffed!
Then I continued the day with headache,yuuk I HATE headache but had to get some things done anyway.
Later on I had some time off so I took the opportunity to purchase a new mascara, lip pencil and glitter nail polish that I really needed. I got a goodie bag and MAKEUPSTORE Magazine aswell for freee :) wu huu
So I just thought I'd show you here what I got .I'm really curious about this mascara, I ´ve heard so much about it and personally I like mascaras with "Primer" so we'll see how it works. I will do a review on itlater this week. Promise! :)
One side of the mascara (primer)
And the other side, step 2 (BLACK BLACK BLACK)
When it comes to lip pencil,I bought this one...wetn´wild, I've actually never used this brand (it is a cheaper kinda brand) but all that is cheap is not necessarily BAD! so we'll see. ill let you know.
And last but not least, Viva la Diva Nail Polish. "Cheap and good" I am a big fan of their sparkling nailpolish. So I bought two. Gold and purple. And heey you know what *chicken butt* Take the opportunity to buy Viva La Diva products NOW (just go to your nearest Lindex) I think there is some sort of sale on the Viva la Diva brand now, so hurry hurry people,they have some good SALE offers .. like "Buy two pay for one. "GOOD huh ;)
Well as I said, Im gonna use these items and then do a review so STAY TUUUUNED if you wanna know moore ;)
Muaaaaaaaaaah! from me to you!!
My very first *vloggie*(hear me talk for like 9 minutes :/ )
I have finally finished editing my first "VLOGGIE" ... yaaay!!! it´s Uploaded and ready for you sweet followers. Now, I just hope you can hear what Im talking about here. I usually mumble a lot, I mean I find it hard to notice it while Im talking but some people have told me that I do sooo, yeah I´ll really try to think of it,although I maybe forgot to think about it on this "Vloggie" but I will in the future, I promise!
Nah, but as I said, as I wrote in my last post,I talk a lot here, for like about 9 minutes. it's more like an introduction to this new idea and how I feel about it and, my work and blogging etc etc.
So if you have the desire to see and listen to me, click the Play button NOW :) Yaaayyy!
And I would LOOOVE you to LIKE, rate, and SUBSCRIBE, ithat would make me really really super duper HAPPY!!
Thank you and enjoy. YOU ARE THE BEST!
Muaaah,much looove from me to youuu,and Yaay Im sooo excited to HEAR what you have to say, requests on makeup etc etc...
LET the a new journey BEGIN!!!! FOLLOW ME and
S M I L E !!!!
Something NEW, No more "silence"
Something NEW is coming up for you my sweet cupcakes ;)
I was up to super late last night thinking and thinking and thinking my brain out. Until I decided to do it, And what I mean by that is. I´ve decided to do my makeup tutorials, or any tutorial with ME myself and I TALKING!! yess, no more "silent" videos.
First of all because, well, I always have somuch trouble choosing right songs to my videos, I mean I always have the perfect background music but for some reason, youtube blocks it, very often.. I mean well yeahI understand, they have these rules but.. aah its so irritatiing,specially when you´ve been working and editing a video for sooooo long. haha.. so yeah, thats ONE.
TWO, well, I guess its easier for me and YOU to understand what Im actually doing,so instead of writing my steps, Im gonna talk,but of course I will continue posting the steps with images on my blog ;) The only thing is... for you who do not speak Swedish or understand Swedish, Im so so sorry :( Im not gonna be able to do it in english, I don´t feel completely ready to run my videos in English, not yet but eventually??. we'll see but I hope you still can see and follow me anyway,and as I said, Im gonna continue with my blogging of course and post the steps with pics etc.
So I hope you´ll enjoy this new idea and that it somehow feels more, I don´t know.. personal? naah whats the right word? What I mean is...I reallly wanna reach out to you sweeties not only by showing you my makeup but to show you how much this means to me and show you what a difference , you , me ... WE all together can make by feeling good and just SMILE!!! and fight for something thats in our hearts!!! ;)
So once again, I hope you´ll enjoy this, and you´ll see later how I feel about this ,I talk about it on my upcoming video,and WARNING, yes its bad lightning,bad camera and I look tired...but I don´t care haha as long as you can SEE,HEAR and UNDERSTAND me :) well... I better go now and start with it ;)
STAY TUNED and don´t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel and JOIN me on facebook ;)
SEE YOU THERE, MUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!! don´t forget to S M I L E !!!!!!!!!!
Höst nailart nr 2
So, I promised you to show you how I did my last weeks fall inspired nail art.
Well, its very easy to do but it requires a littlebit of extra patience if you r doing this nailart on all of your nails. But just check this video and you´ll see ;) You can do this with other colors ofcourse .
Chech this girl out on youtube, she has LOTS of nail art tutorials andd... she´s great!!

I tried it, why don´t you ? ;) GOODLUCK!!!
Oh and I just remembered, ahm.. unfortunately I can´t embed her video here,it´s blocked but just check her out directly on Youtube,and her chanel, Just Click the link bellow and you´ll see :)
Muaaah lots of love and SMIIILE!!!

HEEY kära followers! HUR MÅR NI??
Jag börjar denna vecka med lite uppdatering, jag har fått en del kommentarer här och där angående min blogg att den är rolig att följa men att jag inte uppdaterar så ofta.
AND YESS I KNOW IM GUILTYY!!!! SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!! Jag försöker verkglien göra mitt bästa men måste erkänna att det går lite segt ibland :/
BUT !!!!! Hold on a sec!!!! För alla er som INTE redan vet så finns jag faktiskt på Finest oxå :)
Jag har en annan blogg där som dock är lite mer privat och där har jag faktiskt skrivit lite oftare (då jag inte skriver om makeup tips och så) På den här bloggen försöker jag att hålla mig till enbart tips osv nothing more personal.
SO what Im trying to say here is that, for those of you who wanna follow me everywhere.. you´re very welcome to follow me on my blog, and on FACEBOOK - SUBSCRIBE and JOIN my group there ;) Allt går oftast via FACEBOOK först .
Finest blog:
Marisel Artistry - Makeup ,Nail & Hair Beauty
My Youtube channel:
KRAMISAR och tack så mkt för ALLA kommentarer,Subscribers,etc etc.
My day @ HSW doing stage makeup on las Bachateras ;)
Hello everyone! How are you? Its SUNDAY and FATHERS DAY here in Sweden :) BESOS para ti papito!
I feel good but kinda lazyy and tired after a long and busy week.
It has really been a week with lots of stuf to do and it has actually been a very difficult week with other things,so yeah.. However, it´s not something we should talk about now thou :) we'll talk about what happened yesterday. :) It was a really busy yet fun day yesterday, I did makeup on four lovely ladies who had this Bachata show at HSW (HotSalsaWeekend) here in Stockholm Debaser.
So I was up early and went off just after 14:00 to start slowly. But as they always say, or as I always say (do not rush) Oh YEAH RIGHT, who am I fooling,I always do anyway, and I don´t know anyway
Im gonna give you this "BACKSTAGE PASS" and you´ll see what happend yesterday :) I had so much fun!!!
Thank you ladies for being so nice to me, taking care of me as you did, I know did NOT eat :/ Something I really SHOULD DO next time, but you know... when you´re working and in a hurry... you can´t eat.. puuh not good! well anyway, thanks again and a special thanks to Kristina that contacted me and chose ME to help them..It was fun, you looked absolutley gorgeous ,every single one of you, those dresses.. aww.. yeah it was great. And thanks Kristina for helping me out with the last step on the makeup (the rhinestones) YOU DID a GREAT JOB! MUAH!! lots of kisses and see you all soon.
Here is my Storytelling with images;)
ENJOY now!!
First station ;) (doing the base makeup here :)
Lovely colors :) my makeup table after a while haha
Sweet Henna ;) ready to get on stage
Henny & Maysan
Kristina , a last rehersal b4 getting on stage ;)
MasMambo On stage
SalsaAkademien on stage
And FINALLY after many many hours of work and show, we finally got the time to make a toast to Us ;) and then we danced Salsita :) *YAAY* Thanks for a GREAT DAY and NIGHT girls!! MUAHH!!!
Wow I look tired, I WAS tired but still with a smile on my lips ; you r great chicas!
And thanks to you followers,hope you like it ;) BIG HUUUG!!!!
Höstiga naglar á la Marisel - HOW TO

Satt sent igår kväll and just had some fun with some of my nailpolish.
Ville ha det lite höstigt så hag valde färger i brunt,guld och vitt.

1. Well,såhär såg mina naglar ut efter att jag klippt av dom VÄLDIGT mkt after my HALLOWEEN witch nails.Så..applicera ett lager BASE COAT,låt torka.
2. Välj den färg du vill ha som bas.
3.Du kan antingen dutta på med en disksvamp och med metallicförgad nagellack och sedan glitter, eller bara glitter.

4. Med en tunn pensel dra 2 streck i 2 olika färger, här har jag använt en mörk brnn och en metallic bronze färg.
5. Nu är det dags för den ljusa färgen, längst ner på nageln målar du en halvmåne med tunn pensel
6. Om du inte har en speciell pensel för att göra prickarna så går det lika bra med en tanpetare, doppa spetsen i nagellacket och dutta på prickarna som på bilden.

OPTIONAL - för lite mer effekt (och eftersom jag ÄLSKAR glitter nagellack) så valde jag att pensla på ett streck med silver glitter mellan det mörkbruna och vita halvmånen. och ovanför prickarna. AVSLUTA med TOP COAT. LET IT DRY ,
GOODLUCK now ;))))