*VIDEO* elf Eyelid primer review
Då var det dags för en review igen, denna gång en mer grundlig review på en av ELF produkterna. Jag valde att prata lite om deras primer från den billigare avdelningen.
Denna kostar runt 16 kr och finns att beställa här : http://www.eyeslipsface.co.uk/product~prodID~149.htm
Om du har använt denna produkt får du gärna dela med dig dina åsikter about it
Här ser ni en bild på resultatet av dom två olika primers .
*VÄNSTER - Viva La Diva primer *HÖGER - ELF primer
Infot nedan är taget ur hemsidan
Eyelid Primer
Preps your eyelid for smoother, longer-lasting and crease-proof eyeshadow. The ultra sheer nude color works to increase eye color longevity. The lightweight liquid formula quickly absorbs into the skin for comfortable wear. |
*Video* Blue PunkFunk makeup
*Punk Funk brightning eyeshadow - elf cosmetics
* Natural eyelashes - elf cosmetics
*Black cream eyeliner - elf STUDIO
*Shimmer vanilla eyeshadow - MIST
*Black eyepencil
*Blue eyepencil
*Brown shadow or powder
I have to say that I am very happy with the result from this eyeshadow quad, and they only cost 16kr (in sweden) I guess that´ll be like a dollar and a half or somehting like that. and in this quads you´ll find four eyeshadows,like in this one PUNK FUNK,you have the colors , Blue,Pink,White and Purple. And they are so bright and actually very pigmented. For that amount of money its very good. Well as you can probably see, the color shows a lot. I was so excited to try this out so I did this very colorful makeup. I hope you like it and try it
Leave a comment below if you want, LIKE IT if you do and SUBSCRIBE to my youtube channel and Facebook page
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MariselArtistry
My Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MariselArtistry1?feature=mhw4

e.l.f cosmetics review part 1 & 2
This makeup is done with ELF Cosmetics *Brithening Eye Color LUXE* & False Lashes NATURAL LASH KIT
So i finally got my elf order, welll to be honest, I got it a couple of weeks ago and did the review the day after BUT I´ve been having problems with editing the tutorial. But anyway, this video is just a quick review on what I got, I don´t talk about the products in details, I will do another more complete and specific video about the makeup soon. I just need to use them for a while first before telling you what I think.
But here is what I CAN tell you right now. The cosmetics arrived complete, with everything that I ordered and it took like a week, little more maybe, and here is what I got :
STUDIO makeup mist & set - LIKE IT
Shimmering facial whip GOLDEN - LOVE IT
Falselashes *Individual * Dramatic *Natural - LOVE IT
Blending eye brush - LIKE IT
Bronzing brush - LIKE IT
Brightening eye color *LUXE *PUNK FUNK - LIKE IT
All over cover stick * SPICE & * TOFFEE - LIKE IT
Liquid eyeliner black - LOVE IT
Tinted moisturizer SPICE - LIKE IT
Duo eye shadow cream PECAN - DON´T KNOW YET
Eyelid primer - HMMM DON´T KNOW YET..
Lipstick POSH - LIKE IT
Zit Zapper- DON´T KNOW YET
Cream eyeliner STUDIO - LOVE IT
Corrective concealer STUDIO - HMM DON´T LIKE SO MUCH

If you know something about elf cosmetics,please share

To order go to : http://www.eyeslipsface.co.uk/shop.htm
Marisels ELF makeup lista
* Yaaaaaaayyyyy* Kolla vad som finns här i mina händer nu , awww, it feels like CHRISTMAS time again I FINALLY got my makeup from elf ! ...Im so excited... but don´t worry, I will do a review ... Im gonna try some makeup tomorrow, and tell you all about the items I got
and then after a month or so .. i will def,do another review and tell you what I think!
But this is what I got :
Lipstick POSH
Zit zapper
Corrective Concealer
Cream eyeliner
Eyelid primer
Duo Eye shadow
tinted moisturizer
All over cover stick toffee + spice
Brightening eye color X 2
Bronzing brush
Blending eye brush
False lashes X 3
Shimmering facial whip golden peach
Studio makeup mist
*VIDEO* How to style your bangs
Bangs bangs bangs! what can I say about it?
I DO think bangs can be HOT and actually look very sexy and cute depending on how you decide to style it. But we do all know that cutting bangs can be a littlebit tricky, And you gotta make sure you get the right one. You know what, I always have difficult to choose if I should cut fringe or not because I always regret it later haha but this time I did cut my bangs and the only thing I did different now, was to have more patience with it and just learn more about styling it the right way And do you know what I recommend? well of course this is optional but I think avoiding all in one length bangs is one of the keys to a better look,one length fringe is just hard to work with and especially when you have curly hair (like Moi) you can still have thick bangs but layered. I dont know its hard to explain in words hehe.
But here are some tips and tricks ,HOW TO STYLE your bangs Fast and Easy! I hope you like it!!
I know this video is in Swedish, I know I know!!!
Muaaaah! GOODLUCK!
Super billig MAKEUP from e.l.f.
I VÄNTAN PÅ mina E.L.F Makeup items!!!
So this is what Im waiting for :) and I´m so super duper excited!!! Jag hörde om den här hemsidan för knappt en månad sedan och I swear, jag satt i timmar och bara kollade igenom HELA sortimentet dom har att erbjuda.
first of all, I just couldn´t believe att dom hade så mycket och sen PRISERNA, my goodness! Otroliga priser hörni, ... få se om vi säger såhär, läppstift, concealer, ögonskugga,nagellack,mascara... makeup BRUSHES.. you name it... för endast 16 svenska riksdaler per st :) :) :) Oh yess, helt sant... då tänker ni säkert... men KVALITEN då? ..
Njaa, alltså helt ärligt så har jag personligen inte testat dom än, har däremot sett och hört mycket om dom och det ska vara HELT OKEJ och Väldigt bra grejjer för priset man ändå betalar. .. så det ska bli intressant och se :)
MEN, det slutar inte där... Dom har dessutom andra collections som är något dyrare men inte alls DYRT, till exempel deras STUDIO makeup samling och MINERAL samling... det ska tydligen vara något bättre, kan tänka mig mer pigmenterade skuggor osv,more of proffesional products. :) sen har dom makeup tools, borstar i väldigt billigt och lite dyrare också, det är dock inte äkta hår därfav lite billigare men kan absolut vara bra för det ändå :) vi ska testa, och det är perfekt till den som är en ANIMAL LOVER :) om jag inte minns fel så är inget djurtestat, so thats great.
Här kan ni se vad jag menar med dom olika collections dom har och jag har markerat där dom billigaste produkterna finns :) jag har beställt nu här lite av allt möjligt, och det blev hela 19 produkter för under 400 kr .. allt från ögonskugga till makeup borstar. så we´ll seee.. det ska bli otroligt kul att göra en review på alla dessa produkter and most of all, se om dom är bra och om det är värt att köpa här. I promise I will use them, and tell you later on what I think!
Här har ni länken till hemsidan,kika själv så ska du få se,du kommer att fastna om du har KÄRLEK för MAKEUP haha : http://www.eyeslipsface.co.uk/shop.htm
OM det är någon som redan VET och har använt dessa produkter får ni SUPER gärna dela med er.
:) :) until then.... i´ll stay super excited ....:P
*Video* SMOKEY EYES MAKEUP á la Marisel

Interested on how to do a Smokey Eye look?
Well,you are lucky, because I´ve done a tutorial on how to do it my sweeties But there is some things you need to know about this look. I know many of you maybe think, Oh wow.. I LOVE THAT SMOKEY EYE makeup BUT I know I can´t have it. Why? and the answer is almost everytime - I look tired, My eyes look smaller etc etc.
BUT you know what? of course you can do and have this look, you just gotta do it right with the perfect colors for your skin, your eyes,your eyeshape, and of course right materials.
You can do smokey eyes with any color of your choice but This one is mostly dark, black with a littlebit of grey and brown. Watch the video and follow the steps
*Video* be my VALENTINE makeup á la Marisel

An pretty easy soft romantic flirty makeup look. with purple and pink, soft eyeliner and soft pink glossy lips. Perfect for Valentines day! Go ahead and try it my lovelys I hope you like it
This video is done in English and Swedish and I must say, I did this with no practice, I just did it and yeah, thats why its a little weird, haha I can do better and I will, Im just a bit confused right now with all my language haha.. swedish, spanish ..english.
But Hey, if you want me to do videos in spanish or english, just let me know... I know is not the BEst but at least you understand... IG UESS HA ha ha ha...
Muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! :)
BASE-First of all you need to do your BASE of course
*Matt white eyeshadow MAKEUPSTORE & Matt pink eyeshadow LOVE LIFE ,MAKEUPSTORE
*Purple 665 eyeshadow VIVA LA DIVA & Microshadow Glam, MAKEUPSTORE
*Eyeliner,black mix it with black or dark purple shadow to get that soft look,BLACK mascara ,(eyelashes if you want to) White,pink or vanilla eyepencil.
*Bronzing contouring powder,pink lipstick as blush,go over with powder blush,pink chic blush,and then shimmery highlighter cream , I used SUNDUST from MAKEUPSTORE and then lock it with a highlither powder.
*A soft natural lip, use a natural lipiner or pink, ...light pink lipstick and natural nude lipgloss.
AND THERE you have it!
Have the best Valentine´s day Ever muaaaaaah!
*VIDEO* My Story - about the nightmare of eating disorder

"I did know I was very skinny but I had phobia of
becoming FAT and less attractive "
The sentence above is just one of lots of variety of signs t this eating diorder I had, that is also called ANOREXIA NEVROSA. As I tell in my video, (I know I talk in swedish and maybe lots of you don´t understand but I can tell you a littlebit here) so as I was saying in my video, this was many years ago but to be honest , it still feels like it was not tooo long ago. Why? well... eventhough I got recovered from that horrible disease physically ... I still had something of that left psychologically, and I see that NOW!!!And I had it for many many years more or less! But Im good now and I know cus I´ve learned so much,it´s a shame that I had to go through this to LEARN but that was just my destiny and here I am telling YOU MY story about it to pass this on to someone that maybe need some knowledge and help.
I´m truly doing this with all my heart and putting it there because I want to help somehow, why keep my experience to myself when I know that Im not alone in this. I know this is a very common disease and most of all I KNOW HOW DIFFICULT it is to just admit it and talk about it. I know sweeties, I know!
But What I wanna point out here is some important signs and knowledge about it so here it comes.
What should you look for if Anorexia is suspected?
Here are a few signs of Anorexia Nervosa or Under eating:
Dieting despite being thin or underweight.
Obsessive calculating and tracking of weight, calories, fat grams, nutrition and content in food
Pretending to eat or lying about eating.
Preoccupation with food.
Strange or secretive food rituals and a refusal to eat around others or in public places.
Dramatic weight loss with no medical cause.
Feeling "fat" despite being underweight.
Fixation on body image or clothing size, and obsessively examining the body in a mirror
Harshly critical of appearance.
Wearing baggy clothing to hide extreme weight loss.
Cold chills.
Forbidding oneself from eating specific foods and setting strict diets.
Hiding uneaten food in strange places.
Sensitivity towards references about weight and defensiveness when confronted about eating habits.
Fatigue, black outs, dizziness and headaches.
Genuine Phobia of becoming "fat".
Addictive exercising.
Abuse of diet pills, laxatives or enemas.
Poor appearance in hair and nails, as well as discoloration in teeth and skin
Denies being too thin.
Overcoming Anorexia Eating Disorders
Anorexia eating disorders, also referred to as Anorexia Nervosa, is severe and scarily common among females, especially adolescents.
Like Bulimia Nervosa, which many anorexics also suffer from, it is a psychological eating disorder.
Anorexics have a distorted view of their bodies and what they should look like, as far as weight is concerned.
Every day is a battle with their bodies, because in their minds they truly believe they are overweight or must avoid becoming overweight at all costs - paying the price through a rapid decline in their health as a result of self starvation, binging and purging.
Anorexia eating disorders are easily recognized in the obsessions and preoccupations with weight and eating from the beginning, and more dramatically in the appearance once the anorexic has been suffering with their eating for a fair amount of time.
However, knowledge of signs and symptoms of Anorexia can help you recognize potentially dangerous eating habits and thinking in yourself or a loved one.
The same as most eating disorders, Anorexia eating disorders often go untreated until the anorexic is in dire need of help and has already suffered or is at a high risk of suffering any of the following damages:
Dental Erosion
Hair thinning and loss
Infertility and pregnancy complications
Irregular heartbeat and risk of heart attacks
Low blood pressure
Loss of menstrual cycle
Bruising easily
Stunted growth
Weak immune system
Further decline in self image and mental health
Failure of major organs
The damages of Anorexia can remain within the body of its sufferers for life, but they can learn to live a life free of their eating disorder.
While Anorexia eating disorders are typically easily diagnosed, a diagnosis from a health care provider is required.
Below are a few steps in the recovery process that need to be taken by all Anorexics seeking true freedom of their destructive eating patterns:
Admit to your eating problem and ask loved ones for their support.
Educate yourself on healthy and unhealthy weight loss methods and discover your appropriate weight.
Reach out to support groups, both online and local.
Seek behavioral therapy, it will give you some insight into why you have become Anorexic and what thought patterns you need to work at changing.
Find the best treatment facility for you.
Keep a recovery journal and fill it with positive and affirming thoughts, write about what your eating disorders have taken you away from, why you want to recover, where you will be in 1,5,10 years time by going through recovery and "How" you will feel being free of this addiction.
Talk to other people who have recovered from a eating disorder or someone is trying to recover themselves and help each other.
Have something around you all the time, where you can see it that will remind you of why you want to recover.
Set realistic goals for your treatment.
Anorexia eating disorders present a struggle in the Anorexics life both during and after treatment.
Because it is a psychological disorder it requires a change in the thought pattern in relation to body image to achieve a healthy body and lifestyle.
We talk about Recovery from Anorexia, but recovery has different meanings to whoever you talk to, for example:
It could mean the end of all the Symptoms of their anorexia eating disorder, the starving, excessive exercising, bingeing, purging.
For others Recovery is physical, getting rid of those physical symptoms such as fear, self hatred, guilt and all your negative voices. Do you want to leave your eating disorder behind forever, well here are some reasons that just might help you do that.
Feel happy and comfortable with how you look, feel comfortable in your own body.
With my addiction to Bulimia it was like having a "Secret Life" and to rid myself of it was Total Freedom.
To have energy again to do things that you once did or would Love to do.
No more isolation, to have those feelings gone and to join the world psychologically, emotionally, and physically.
Not to have your life ruled by the calories consumed, exercise performed, and times to purge.
Most important to Have A Life Again and not live a life with self hatred, fear and sadness
Admit to your eating problem, and ask loved ones for their support.
Yes I did have a problem and for my well being I had to stop,don´t destroy youself ,Recovery is possible and this includes for you. YES YOU CAN!
It takes an enormous amount of persistence and courage, and be proud of yourself for doing it, remember it is possible and it is definitely worth it.
/ Your friend that is now more confident than before and have so much love and happiness to give you all ...Muaaah! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I believe in you , I do!
hairstyling VIDEO*loose soft curly hair using a flat iron

In this video you´ll se how to curl your hair very fast and very easy. ..and again, this is how I choose to do it and it works just fine with me so if you like this video , go ahead and try it, I promise you´ll love it :D most of all because its so faaaast to do :D BUT the magic key to this is to use a GOOOOOOOD WARM FLAT IRON!! super important.
WHAT YOU SHOULD USE to get this hairstyle:
and you are ready to go :D
check out the tutorial and GOODLUCK


So here you have it, the one and only GRAFFITI NAILS. Isn´t it cool? I actually love it, and the best part is that its EASY and Super fast to do. The only thing you will need is this special nailpolish, CRACKLE GRAFITI NAIL POLISH
Crackle Nailpolish is a nailpolish that produces a Graffiti effect on the nail,as you can see on the pictures,and I know my video is NOT in english thats why Im telling you the steps here. SO what you gotta do is to ...
*Choose a nail polish of your choice, BUT a tip is to always use a very contrasting color ,so If you have a BLACK crackle polish , then use a base that is verylight, or colorful, like Fuschia or SILVER (like the picture) And once you have the base on, LET IT DRY well... otherwise the crackle effect wont work.
* When the basecoat of nail polish is completely dry, apply a thin layer of the crackle polish over the entire nail or where you desire to have that effect.
These nailpolish can be kinda hard to find sometimes but you can find themhere (Sweden)
KICKS - http://www.kicks.se/isadora/makeup/naglar-c159/graffiti-nail-top-p12277

*VIDEO* BASE MAKEUP by Marisel Part 1 and 2
So whats the magic KEY to perfect makeup ?
That is so important my friends,cus without a GOOD makeup base Nothing is going to look good on you. Its like you would draw or paint on a paper thats already been used. It will never be the same result as if you would paint on a new piece of white paper , right? I hope you do understand what Im trying to say :P
So,I did this tutorial that was actually requested a few times and I have to admit that it was , ahmm.. well an easy decision to make yet the hardest video to DO, and now you are asking , WHY is that? Ha ha ha Well, we all know that we aren´t perfectly perfect somehow, and we all got our things that We DON´T like about ourselves,right? haha and to be really honest, WHO wants to show their NAKED FACES to the whole world, just like that? hahaha NOBODY but you know what sweetypies,I DID and I didn´t care :P I actually had fun doing this tutorial and I thought, what the heck ,I gotta do it because how can I possibly keep doing makeup looks WITHOUT showing them how to get a flawless and great base makeup, because that is the KEY to a perfect look. MUY IMPORTANTE (as we say in spanish)!!! So here we go, from me to you all.
Click PLAY for a NAKED NUDE MARISEL ha ha ha tha UGLY TRUTH!!!! hahaha noooo!!! Im just kidding
Before I tell you the steps I just wanna say that Im typing this in English because my video is in SWEDISH, ( I know Im sorry but I will do videos in english eventually)
To get a perfect base we need to first of all moisturize our skin,and then find a perfect match of FOUNDATION. I could go on and talk about different foundations and concealer for hours but that another chapter so. If you already have a foundation to use, then apply it with,whatever your choice may be but you can use : sponge,foundation brush ,Kabuki brush or your hands (of course your hands need to be CLEAN) So apply it from the middle and outwards,
This is a foundation Kabuki brush
Every single one has its own techniques but I usually always begin with foundation and THEN concealer, because sometimes you can get rid of "imperfections" red spots,etc with the foundation, but if it doesn´t cover all then you´ll see where you´ld need concealer,and you wanna work with it with small amounts. Make sure you see where your dark spots are and cover it with the "redpink" colored concealer and the RED spots with the more "yellowgreen" concealer. PAD PAD PAD it carefully.
Make sure the foundation and concealer is well blended .And you can use translucid loose powder for this and with a puff or a larger brush depending on how you want it. And you don´t have to powder all of your face because we want to achive a glowy look so Pick up the powder on the puff and press it on the face, one area at a time.I always press the powder in the middle,or I mean where I know I get very oily.Now using a soft, thick powder brush you can brush away the excess, with downward movement to stop the powder getting caught in the fine facial hair.
Pad on a crem Highlighter onto the top of your cheekbones and this AFTER any type of shading (countoring) of course and after the blush,but I´ll get to that in another video and then to make it stay all day long you will have to brush on some highlight powder on top of the cream .
And there you have it the perfect glowy super nice BASE MAKEUP!
Stay tuned for more tips and tricks and EXTRA STEPS to get the perfect Base! another video is coming ...
STAY TUUUUUNED!!! And don´t forget to subscribe dear readers
I hope you ´like it Muaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
Lite mer detaljerat, excuse mitt ritande but I did it in a hurry I hope you Understand
How to get: CAT EYES with only a few steps *-VIDEO-*
Hej på Er! Idag ska vi jobba med en makeup som kommer att bestå av 3 olika ögonskuggor. Idéen med denna makeup är att se till att ögonen ser mer "KATTIGA" ut and more of an almond feeling. liksom "förlänga" ögats form lite grann. Det är inte alls så jätte svårt att få till denna look och det passar absolut jätte bra som kvälls makeup då vi kommer att arbeta med lite starkare och mörkare färger.
En sak ska ni veta hörni, ni behöver absolut inte använda just dessa färger, principen är att ni lär er tekniken och grunden så fram med era penslar och smink så kör vi igång
LYCKA TILL!!! :) :)
To change the shape of our eyes is something we all wanna do sometimes, but how? Well here r some tips and tricks to get that "Cat Eye" with eyeshadows. Just follow the steps and you´ll get it.
You don´t have to use these exact colors if you don´t want to but you should use kinda Darker shadows to get that cat effect ;)
Products Im using here .
*Primer (Viva La Diva)
*Shimmery pearl eyeshadow from MIST
*GRAY metall eyeshadow ( L´OREAL Turquoise Shimmer 176 mixed with CYBER SHADOW blue MAKEUPSTORE)
*Black MATT eyeshadow (MAKEUPSTORE pollution)
*Black gel-eyeliner or black eyepencil
*Black mascara
GOODLUCK NOW and don´t forget to visit my blogs and don´t forget to SUBSCRIBE PLEASE :D :D :F
Marisel Beauty blog: http://mariselartistry.blogg.se/
Finest blog: http://www.finest.se/mariselartistry
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MariselArtistry
My Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MariselArtistry1?feature=mhw4
LOVE4NAILS inspirerade naglar :)
You know what? hade detta varit JAG för 4 år sen hade jag aldrig gått runt såhär I guess. I know Im a color and nail,makeup freak BUT jag var annars väldigt neutral. Naturliga färger osv men nu hörni, nu har man fått riktig arbets skada och man experimenterar ALL the time, jag tröttnar fort och vill alltid ha nya naglar, ny hårfärg, ny look MEN ändå finns det alltid någon slags koppling till varje change man gör so anyway, jag kände för att fixa till naglarna denna gång och pausade makeupen för någon dag so I did this. Och eftersom jag är LAT ibland , orkar inte tänka så gick jag in på den här tjejens youtube kanal (jag har visat nailarts som hon gjort förr
Hon är jätte duktig så jag vart inspirerad.
Jag ville göra något annorlunda, yet cool, yet very easy :P and I found this.
Det är jätte easy to do men kräver dock lite extra tålamod såklart. Det tar ju tid att torka osv men det är ju värt det I promise. So if you wanna do something fun but easy on your nails . . . do this och som ni kanske ser, jag bytte ut färgerna lite. Hon använder brunlila och grönt med guldglitter medans jag valde en mörk bas lillasvart och sen rosa and gold of course. det är bara att leka med färgerna.
Produkter jag använt är :
Det sista ni ser på bilden där det står NailArt är då speciellt till för nail art, vet dock inte vad domheter och jag minns knappt vart jag beställt det ifrån, men man kan hitta massa nail art produkter på nätet. det är upp till er hur ni vill ha
*gaaah* sorry
Im so sorry, jag ligger efter med den här bloggen. Men som sagt jag har två och ibland hinner jag inte att posta allt på båda :) så ni kan alltid kika förbi där oxå då och då.
Men nu så !!!!