Working day & quality time with family
Yupp, jag stod lite i dom här höga igår på jobbet,I know high heels men såå fina! och lite obekvääma ibland men äschhh!!
Det gick bra, det vart inte 15 timmars pass direkt so nemas problemas :D I did some hair work yesterday , lots of hairextentions and thank you 4 coming by again Gorica, you are such a nice person, really, always nice to talk with you :D great.
Then I had some quality time with my parents and brother, we had some Faspacho (made by my daddy) and mmmmmmmmmmmmm SO freaking gooood!! with a lot of garlic, and I LOVE garlic! haha so we had gaspacho, tacos and some red wine out in the late sun, So Nice! Family is everything!!! dont u never ever forget to spend some time with people you love, specially family members and good friends, sometimes we need to to other things than only b working alll the time, gain some POSITIVITY!!!
LOVE AND RESPECT !! Have a very nice day, now iz time 4 me to take my morning coffee and work :)