Dear beauty blog Diary followers ...
♥HOW ARE YOU out there?
Im okey, been busy and you know what? I´ve been planning a lot of stuff that I want to do,like what kind of tutorials I wanna make for you sweet followers etc etc.
You know, sometimes you get this bunch of ideas ...and you have so much to think of that you just cant decide where to start. haha I HATE when that happens, and yeah,it happens all the time. :/
I think many of you that watch my videos or read my blog may think that this is easy to do but I can assure you that IZ NOT.
REALLY is not that simple. :P it requires,patience,TIME,ideas,good camera etc etc... thousands of things you have to think about ,if you want it to be good of course. So yeah, sometimes, you have the camera, the idea but NO TIME or no Patience, its always something.
So BELIEVE ME everytime I do write you guys a post here or do this videos,I do it from MY HEART ♥ . hope you all can see that somehow cus I want u to know that.
Im always trying to do this more often cus I like it and I know that you like it tooooo and everytime I get positive adorable comments about what I do... it just makes me smile and it reminds me of how important this is for me to actually continue with my passion.
I love the feeling of knowing that I can make somebody SMILE out there and eventhough I don´t know you.
YOU ARE MY MOTIVATION dear followers...Im serious and I appreciate every single comment, visit here,subscribes or what ever :D
So there you go, I just had to tell you all how I feel and how YOU outhere make me feel about my work.
I really got so much ideas to show you, and I really will do that, Im doing my very best ,YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME aswell :D :D :D so dont be afraid to write or just say something, I will read it and do everything i can to respond .
Once again thank you SO MUCH for following me I appreciate every single one of you!
MUCH LOOOOOOOVE - ♦ remember,never let go of your dreams!// your friend Marisel