Tinted Lipbalm made by Marisel --> what do you think? :)

So I had this idea for a very long time to do my own "products" ,and one of them was  to make my own lipbalm ... and now I FINALLY DID!
I did this 4 colors and I really like them, ;D cus they are moisturizing ;) YAAY! And the colors are not that heavy so its not like lipstick.

Im gonna do more of this and later on you´ll be able to buy it :D  MAYBE we will see ;)

But I must ask, what do you think of these colors so far?
Please give me your opinion cus without you sweethearts I DON`T KNOW what you want :D or Like!
So please leave a comment, I appreciate it VERYMUCH!!

MUCH LOVE and thank you, more items made by ME is coming up SOOON!!!

AMOR y PAZ - and remember,never let go of your dreams!// your friend Marisel


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