*VIDEO* My Story - about the nightmare of eating disorder


"I did know I was very skinny but I had phobia of

 becoming FAT and less attractive "


 The sentence above is just one of lots of variety of signs t this eating diorder I had, that is also called ANOREXIA NEVROSA. As I tell in my video, (I know I talk in swedish and maybe lots of you don´t understand but I can tell you a littlebit here) so as I was saying in my video, this was many years ago but to be honest , it still feels like it was not tooo long ago. Why? well... eventhough I got recovered from that horrible disease physically ... I still had something of that left psychologically, and I see that NOW!!!And I had it for many many years more or less! But Im good now and I know cus I´ve learned so much,it´s a shame that I had to go through this to LEARN but that was just my destiny and here I am telling YOU MY story about it to pass this on to someone that maybe need some knowledge and help. 

 I´m truly doing this with all my heart and putting it there because I want to help somehow, why keep my experience to myself when I know that Im not alone in this. I know this is a very common disease and most of all I KNOW HOW DIFFICULT it is to just admit it and talk about it. I know sweeties, I know!

But What I wanna point out here is some important signs and knowledge about it so here it comes.




What should you look for if Anorexia is suspected?

Here are a few signs of Anorexia Nervosa or Under eating:

Dieting despite being thin or underweight.

Obsessive calculating and tracking of weight, calories, fat grams, nutrition and content in food

Pretending to eat or lying about eating.

Preoccupation with food.

Strange or secretive food rituals and a refusal to eat around others or in public places.

Dramatic weight loss with no medical cause.

Feeling "fat" despite being underweight.

Fixation on body image or clothing size, and obsessively examining the body in a mirror

Harshly critical of appearance.

Wearing baggy clothing to hide extreme weight loss.

Cold chills.

Forbidding oneself from eating specific foods and setting strict diets.

Hiding uneaten food in strange places.

Sensitivity towards references about weight and defensiveness when confronted about eating habits.

Fatigue, black outs, dizziness and headaches.

Genuine Phobia of becoming "fat".

Addictive exercising.

Abuse of diet pills, laxatives or enemas.

Poor appearance in hair and nails, as well as discoloration in teeth and skin

Denies being too thin.


Overcoming Anorexia Eating Disorders


Anorexia eating disorders, also referred to as Anorexia Nervosa, is severe and scarily common among females, especially adolescents.

Like Bulimia Nervosa, which many anorexics also suffer from, it is a psychological eating disorder.

Anorexics have a distorted view of their bodies and what they should look like, as far as weight is concerned.

Every day is a battle with their bodies, because in their minds they truly believe they are overweight or must avoid becoming overweight at all costs - paying the price through a rapid decline in their health as a result of self starvation, binging and purging.

Anorexia eating disorders are easily recognized in the obsessions and preoccupations with weight and eating from the beginning, and more dramatically in the appearance once the anorexic has been suffering with their eating for a fair amount of time.

However, knowledge of signs and symptoms of Anorexia can help you recognize potentially dangerous eating habits and thinking in yourself or a loved one.







The same as most eating disorders, Anorexia eating disorders often go untreated until the anorexic is in dire need of help and has already suffered or is at a high risk of suffering any of the following damages:


Dental Erosion

Hair thinning and loss

Infertility and pregnancy complications


Irregular heartbeat and risk of heart attacks

Low blood pressure

Loss of menstrual cycle


Bruising easily

Stunted growth

Weak immune system

Further decline in self image and mental health

Failure of major organs





 The damages of Anorexia can remain within the body of its sufferers for life, but they can learn to live a life free of their eating disorder.


While Anorexia eating disorders are typically easily diagnosed, a diagnosis from a health care provider is required.

Below are a few steps in the recovery process that need to be taken by all Anorexics seeking true freedom of their destructive eating patterns:

Admit to your eating problem and ask loved ones for their support.

Educate yourself on healthy and unhealthy weight loss methods and discover your appropriate weight.

Reach out to support groups, both online and local.

Seek behavioral therapy, it will give you some insight into why you have become Anorexic and what thought patterns you need to work at changing.

Find the best treatment facility for you.

Keep a recovery journal and fill it with positive and affirming thoughts, write about what your eating disorders have taken you away from, why you want to recover, where you will be in 1,5,10 years time by going through recovery and "How" you will feel being free of this addiction.

Talk to other people who have recovered from a eating disorder or someone is trying to recover themselves and help each other.

Have something around you all the time, where you can see it that will remind you of why you want to recover.

Set realistic goals for your treatment.

Anorexia eating disorders present a struggle in the Anorexics life both during and after treatment.

Because it is a psychological disorder it requires a change in the thought pattern in relation to body image to achieve a healthy body and lifestyle.

We talk about Recovery   from Anorexia, but recovery has different meanings to whoever you talk to, for example:

It could mean the end of all the Symptoms of their anorexia eating disorder, the starving, excessive exercising, bingeing, purging.

For others Recovery   is physical, getting rid of those physical symptoms such as fear, self hatred, guilt and all your negative voices. Do you want to leave your eating disorder behind forever, well here are some reasons that just might help you do that.

Feel happy and comfortable with how you look, feel comfortable in your own body.

With my addiction to Bulimia it was like having a "Secret Life" and to rid myself of it was Total Freedom.

To have energy again to do things that you once did or would Love to do.

No more isolation, to have those feelings gone and to join the world psychologically, emotionally, and physically.

Not to have your life ruled by the calories consumed, exercise performed, and times to purge.

Most important to Have A Life Again and not live a life with self hatred, fear and sadness

Admit to your eating problem, and ask loved ones for their support.

Yes I did have a problem and for my well being I had to stop,don´t destroy youself ,Recovery is possible and this includes for you. YES YOU CAN!

It takes an enormous amount of persistence and courage, and be proud of yourself for doing it, remember it is possible and it is definitely worth it.



/ Your friend that is now more confident than before and have so much love and happiness to give you all ...Muaaah! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I believe in you , I do!

Postat av: Marre

Starkt prima, I'm proud of you! <3

2011-02-13 @ 23:55:11
URL: http://marlenegarcia.blogg.se/

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