Sayen ft. PatoPooh VIDEOSHOOT part 3!
Another long day.
Sayen came to me at nine in the morning to get hair and makeup done to later on get to the place where we were going to shoot the last part , FAR very FAR,Södertälje, Yess out with the boat,and guess what we had the best weather all day!! sunny and just great, and the nicest sunset :D beautiful colors,you´ll see ;)
Anyway we came to the boat and we continued with the makeup, final touch.And yeah the girls had arrived allready :D you looked absolutely lovely :D

I did more of a bronzing look! beach look but with lots of eyelashes!

So cute, one of the girls :D Amanda


Say cheeese! there´s always time 4 some pics ;)

Right before the first shoot with the girls,(Jay the director is on his way on the little boat 2 get some nice shoots but u see there,uuh imagine,what if he had fallen into the water. =/ not good) well there you see David (the boats owner, thank u so much 4 helping out)

Working on her hair, LOTS of hair!


Bonitas! :D

Close Up on her Make up, hair and styling


PatoPooh in action!

=D yaay The best assistent ever!! and me.

Beautiful Sunset!

ay ay ay :D a little sneak peak!

We are all so excited :D
Thank you all for a great time working on this :D!!!
We nailed it! ;)
Eyeliner tips
Inte bästa ljudet eller kvalité men hoppas ni ser lite iaf =D
Sayen videoshoot part 2 @ La isla!
The video iz to this song-
PLAY it while reading this post :D
Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
Lets start by telling you the very first part of that day.Well we were suppose to shoot this part very late, midnight so yeah I got there 2 hours earlier to fix her make up and stuff.So, I had my little brother with me , he helped me with "behind the scenes-pics" that Im going to show you. Anyway, ahm NO ride this time to get to the place, so we took the train and I had this very heavy and big bag with all my products plus my own bag with my clothes,my brother his bag and the camera. Well guess what!!! OOMMMGG it was RAINING LIKE CRAAAAZY!!!and not for only a few minutes, I mean it was NON stop raining,gaah we got soooaaaking wet! TERRIBLE,my shoes,my pants,my bag with my stuf, aah. Never again! So yeah my mood was not the best after that but hey, POSITIVE thinking, so I just laughed later.
Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
Sayen got to the place and we started with the makeup.Here´s some pics.
MakeUp-Marisel / Sayen / Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
MakeUp-Marisel / Sayen / Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
MakeUp-Marisel / Sayen / Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
*I klnow we didnt have a table ,that room was soooo SMALL! puuh*
Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu *Yaay Annrita is in the building!
MakeUp-Marisel / Sayen / Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
MakeUp-Marisel / Sayen / Pics : Patrick aka Dj Patuu
Ok, Sayen got done with her look and then it was my turn 2 change clothes,and as always, when your work is to make other people beautiful ,you never get enough time to make yourself beautiful haha thats why I did my make up before I got to la Isla ;)
this one?? naaaah
Marisel - Sayen - Annrita
this dress, directly from Miami :D I never got a chance to wear it so I did this time :D
The 3 ladies right b4 the shoooting.
On our way to do Part 2 of this videoshooting-Party scene with tha ladies ;)
Pics : Patrick Gonzalez aka Dj Patuu
THE TEAM!!! Director,camera man,dancers etc...We ended the night with a drink and some mingel, I must say that its a great team ,proffesional but always laughing and thats just lovely :D
Yaay we did it, End of part 2 - next time iz part 3!!!
Thanks everybody but a special thanks goes to my brother :D thanks 4 the pics :D
Muaaaaaaaaah!!! Love ya!
Me myself,my blogging and my late breakfast

I woke up a while ago but I´ve been busy with some cleaning so I forgot to eat,thats why Im having a late breakfast now on my balcony, JUST lovely and peaceful.
Well there´s no sun outside but, aah.. its ok as long is not getting cold. Anyway, Im here with my coffee and these beautiful flowers on my table, i love flowers, I dont know there is something special about them, the inspire me somehow and they make me smile, haha funny thing, but really is like they add a little bit of color and light into your life :D lets say this table didnt have these flowers, just wouldnt be the same.
Like I always say, please give me floers while Im alive and can actually SEEE them and not when I die!!!
haven´t you guys thought about that? .. you get the most BEAUTIFUL flowers when You DIE!!!! I mean common... ok nice but hey I wanna see nd experience them tooo. hehe..just a thought.. thats just me.
So enough about that, Im really trying to keep u sweethearts updated as much as I can,and i can tell you like this : a make up video is coming up SOON :D but first I need to go to work, todays work is with MAKE UP AND HAIR styling ;)
wuhuuu I like it!!
MUCH LOVE , TTYL!! Muaaah!!!!!!
Working day & quality time with family

Yupp, jag stod lite i dom här höga igår på jobbet,I know high heels men såå fina! och lite obekvääma ibland men äschhh!!
Det gick bra, det vart inte 15 timmars pass direkt so nemas problemas :D I did some hair work yesterday , lots of hairextentions and thank you 4 coming by again Gorica, you are such a nice person, really, always nice to talk with you :D great.
Then I had some quality time with my parents and brother, we had some Faspacho (made by my daddy) and mmmmmmmmmmmmm SO freaking gooood!! with a lot of garlic, and I LOVE garlic! haha so we had gaspacho, tacos and some red wine out in the late sun, So Nice! Family is everything!!! dont u never ever forget to spend some time with people you love, specially family members and good friends, sometimes we need to to other things than only b working alll the time, gain some POSITIVITY!!!
LOVE AND RESPECT !! Have a very nice day, now iz time 4 me to take my morning coffee and work :)

Balance your life
You can't expect to prevent negative feelings altogether. And you can't expect to experience positive feelings all the time. The Law of Emotional Choice directs us to acknowledge our feelings but also to refuse to get stuck in the negative ones.
Set yourself free from the past, bring peace into your life, and move into the present by letting go of your anger and bitterness. Get some balance, life is like riding a bicycle.To keep your balance you must keep moving.
Answer about My high heels working shoes

Make Up @ Sayen ft.PatoPooh - Quiero Tocar Videoshoot
Well How can I begin to tell you about this day, I can start by saying that it was a very loooong day, nonstop working for about 15 hours and I'm not joking.
I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning and started to fix all the little things that I had to take with me, then I was picked up around the 7 Luckily I got a ride to the studio, I had soo much stuff . Then we picked up Sayen (video artist), she had a lot of stuff aswell,like 5-6 outfits, plus lots of other clothing to her dancers, shoes, accessories, etc.
We came to the studio around 8 in the morning and started to work IMMEDIATELY with the make up and styling.
It was already hotand stuffy in there, gosh ,believe me we had the fan on all the time.
My make up table
Doing the first make up
MakeUp,Hair and Styling is done now is Sayens turn 2 do some work.
Check her out :
Well now I can tell you a little bit more about the people behind the video,so the Director to this was Jay Veesualz and actually it was the first time we worked together. And I can tell you like this, He is Good, I´ve seen his earlier creations and I must say I like his ideas, he is proffisionell in what he does, in other words, he knows what he is doing,very creative and a bit picky but it is good,I like it cus so am I. Of course he was not the only one who worked there with the camera but he had his working partner, Eric ... also very talented and nice to work with.Great job both of you. it was nice, intense, serious, proffisionellt, a bit stressful but we had fun in the end anyway and thats important. Teamwork!
Check him out Jay and his team : Check him out on YoutTube :
Outfit nr 2 & 3 makeup and styling
The red dress, I mean the messy red dress haha but we nailed it (thats a whole other story)
The white dress with the red lips and flowers ;)
Arcadia (dancer) and Sayen
Sayen with the Pila Dancers Chicas :D we had a great time haha
Awww the cutypie Rita!! you are the sweetest and best assistant ever :D haha
Well as I said, it was a veeeeeeeeeery long day so after 2983298493 shoots we were very tired but still with energy somehow, so PatPooh showed up, funny as allways and yeah they did their shots 2gether and with a whooooole other look... check this out.
I hope you like it and yeah Im curious and so excited 2 see the end results but there ´s more to do but I cant tell you yet1 you´ll see
This is the song btw ;)
and yeah, my feet were killing me after 15 hours with this shoes ...
but hey u gotta do what u gotta do, and Im not that tall so I had tooooo!!! :P
MUCH LOVE // Marisel
Error with My comments!
Well, just so you know my sweetys that Im not ignoring your comments, no no, I appreciate it with all my heart.I really mean it! your comments keeps me motivated :D :D :D
SO thank you all for your support YOU are the best u guys! :D
Lots of love and appreciation :D

Marisel Artistrys first photoshoot!
Hair, make up and styling by : Me, Myself and I
Well,I guess we nailed it,I had my very first photoshoot 2 days ago and I had so much fun. Not the easiest thing to do but hey, I did okej I guess! But 2 be honest, Im better behind the scenes ,making other people beautiful haha Gosh, I got a littlebit excited,nervous I dont know but I just couldn´t stop laughing hahaha.
Anyway, We did it and Thank you so much Felicia Margineanu, she is the sweetest young and creative,I like that. She is very talented aswell, so check her out here : /
I must say Thank you to my little brother (Dj Patuu) and Zäändra Michelle, You guys made me laugh haha,and hey great pics and filming. Tnx!
Behind the scenes
Check out the "Behind the scenes" video
And some of the pictures that was taken :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH for watching and following! I hope you like it :D
MUCH LOVE // your friend Marisel <3 <3 <3
Färgglada Karina på besök =D
Det är alltid lika roligt att ha dig här, sist vart det Zebra mönster i somriga färger och denna gång vart det leopard inspirerade mönster,som oxå är i olika färger!
ME LIKE!! det tar ett tag att bygga naglarna och sedan måla och dekorera dom men det är värt det :D Dessutom har vi det aldrig tråkigt,Vi kan ju inte vara tysta,=D alltid härligt med prat glada kunder :D
ta hand om dig nu så ses vi nästa gång igen, börja tänka ut mönster och dekoration redan nu ;) LOL*

PhotoShoot 2morrow with miss Felicia M.
Imorn alltså är det dags för photo shoot med Miss Felicia Margineanu,hu hu Im so excited =D d blir nog roligt.
Jag lovar att göra mitt bästa med bilder och filmning på hela processen så jag kan visa er sen my very first Own photoshoot :P
Well, so as U can see I´ve allready started with a part of the transformation 4 tomorrow. =P
Nu har jag typ en hel "EL GIGANTEN" magazine in my head haha,yupp yupp mjuk och skönt att sova i,spara vi tid imorn oxå med lockarna, :D nu får vi se hur många som fortfarande e kvar när jag vaknar upp imorn :P det är ju en HELT annan femma men men...såhär ser det ut iaf good som man brukar säga!

And yesss, lots of color!!! det är ju trots allt sommar :D

Vi får hoppas på det bästa, och att vädret håller i sig oxå, vi ska ju plåta utomhus... =/
wish me goodluck... but 4 now..
GOOODNIGHT!!! massa Kärlek!
En Waka Waka söndag
Åh så härligt det var att få komma till Stockholm City och se alla dessa glada människor,Stora som Små ALLA dansade och spred så mycket glädje.
Jag måste ge a special thank you till Miss Felicia Margineanu, Så duktig du är, utan dig hade detta aldrig gjorts så MER SÅNT ,vi får fixa ihop något .
Gillar personer som Felicia, aww Så ung,ambitiös ,kreativ och så omtänksam. Big Up Big Up!
Men hörni, vi får ju inte glömma alla andra som oxå medverkat,utan Nikeisha Andersson och alla andra hade vi inte fått fram ett sånt proffissionellt arbete, kolla på VIDEO KLIPPET så får ni se vad jag pratar om ;)
here u go , lets WAKA WAKA 4 Africa!
Är den inte SUUUPER??!?!?!
Duktiga tjejer ;)
Och här kommer mitt lilla videoklipp som då gjordes med min lilla digi kamera haha men den e till Er som tack :D wuhuu!

Blivande fru Marie-Clair Goes nails hos Marisel

Tack för ditt besök Marie =D och lycka till nu på din stora dag! det kommer att gå så bra så, just keep up the power of believe and LOVE!!!
Låt inte nerverna ta över :D Kram kalas och tyvärr glömde jag helt att ta bild på dina nagla b4 the process.
Men här har ni 2 bilder på slutresultat iaf :D

Simpel vit fransk med enkel dekoration i vitt och silverglitter+sten.